QIAGEN OmicSoft and Biomedical Knowledge Base
Drug treatment, toxicology and target safety assessment using QIAGEN IPA and OmicSoft
In this 90-minute training, you'll learn how to perform drug treatment, toxicology and target safety assessment-related discoveries using QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) and QIAGEN Omicsoft Lands.
Using public data from GTEx (normal tissue), GEO, cancer collections and more, you'll learn how to use Omicsoft Lands to:
• Investigate a drug target or biomarker expression across different normal tissues, disease conditions, treatments and more
• Correlate the expression of two or more genes
• Identify a list of genes or biomarkers specific to treatment, disease, normal tissue, cell type and more
Using public data from GTEx (normal tissue), GEO, cancer collections and more, you'll learn how to use Omicsoft Lands to:
• Investigate a drug target or biomarker expression across different normal tissues, disease conditions, treatments and more
• Correlate the expression of two or more genes
• Identify a list of genes or biomarkers specific to treatment, disease, normal tissue, cell type and more
Using findings from peer-reviewed publications and other sources, we'll explore with you how to use QIAGEN IPA to:
• Study the impact of targeting a gene/protein on different toxicological and biological functions
• Derive toxicity findings for a gene of interest from QIAGEN IPA's knowledgebase
• Identify and study toxicity-related pathways, regulators and functions for an internal dataset or a public dataset
• Compare different drug treatments, other conditions or multi-omics data for novel discoveries
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