QIAGEN OmicSoft and Biomedical Knowledge Base

Transforming biological discovery and data science – How direct access to curated data and biological relationships can transform integrated bioinformatics and data science

October 12, 2022
In this 90-minute webinar, you will learn more about the range of content offerings from QIAGEN Digital Insights that can empower and transform your in-house discovery and data science projects.

· Discover the virtual biobank of transcriptomic and non-transcriptomic data that is available in QIAGEN OmicSoft DiseaseLand and QIAGEN OmicSoft OncoLand

· Understand the rigorous curation process that ensures data fidelity and the ability to use rich, descriptive metadata to identify samples and comparisons

· Learn how over 600,000 samples of curated experimental data can be accessed via web-based and desktop applications and are available in a complete downloadable form for local integration and mining

· Discover more about QIAGEN Biomedical Knowledge Base (BKB), our knowledge base of biological relationships that provides the foundation for QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA), but which is now available for construction of biomedical knowledge graphs, AI-driven target identification and local knowledge integration

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