QIAGEN OmicSoft and Biomedical Knowledge Base

Biomarkers and drug target investigation using manually curated, unified ‘omics data

February 18, 2025

There is an almost incomprehensible amount of diverse, non-standardized ‘omics data deposited in different public sources such as GEO, SRA, TCGA, GTEx and others. Scientists who are interested in biomarker discovery and investigation using such data run into challenge of finding time and resources to locate studies of their interest and then making it usable by cleaning and standardizing these data. Accordingly, this training is focused on how scientists facing above challenges can use OmicSoft Lands which has manually curated, unified data which is flexibly accessed through both graphical user interface and APIs.


• Easily and effectively locate RNA and protein expression data of interest (specific diseases, drug treatments, tissues etc.) using graphical user interface as well as OmicSoft Lands APIs

• Conveniently generate charts comparing expression across different conditions of user interest (example disease vs normal, treated vs untreated, responders vs non responders and more) and customize them

• Export results in both tabular and graphical formats

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