QIAGEN OmicSoft and Biomedical Knowledge Base
Discoveries from comparing user data with high-quality public genomics data
Scientists across biopharma and academia, from early discovery and translational research to toxicology and more, are highly interested in comparing and validating their 'omics experiment results such as RNA-seq, microarray, and single cell RNA-seq against published datasets. With QIAGEN OmicSoft Lands collections of deeply curated omics datasets from biomarkers and drug target investigations, tissue and cell type profiling, drug response studies and more, it is quick and easy to discover, retrieve, and compare data from GEO, SRA, GTEx, TCGA, HCL, and other data sources against your own experiments.
In this webinar, you will learn how to compare your data with published datasets with clean metadata using two different approaches:
OmicSoft Studio Graphical User Interface: Many scientists interested in validating their omics datasets are comfortable with a no-code GUI. The trainer will teach you how to find interesting published datasets in the Land database, retrieve these data, then compare your data using OmicSoft Studio.
OmicSoft Lands APIs: Data scientists and bioinformaticians, and others more comfortable working with command-line data exploration and visualization tools within R and Python, can use the OmicSoft Lands API. OmicSoft Lands API allows command-line users to efficiently search, explore, and analyze multi-omics data using consistent metadata and data models, then retrieve data of interest to compare directly with user datasets.
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