QIAGEN OmicSoft and Biomedical Knowledge Base
Biomarker discovery, target validation, and variant identification using QIAGEN OmicSoft DiseaseLand, Human Gene Mutation Database, and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis
In this webinar, users will learn how to leverage solutions from QIAGEN Digital Insights to discover biomarkers, validate targets, and identify variants. Specifically, users will learn:
1. How to locate public studies of interest using OmicSoft DiseaseLand.
2. Investigate expression of genes of interest across different treatments, disease states, etc.
3. Identify variants of interest for candidate biomarkers and targets using Human Gene Mutation Database.
4. Leveraging the QIAGEN Knowledgebase in Ingenuity Pathway Analysis to explore and extend findings from OmicSoft DiseaseLand and Human Gene Mutation Database.
5. Learn about additional methods to access data from OmicSoft, Human Gene Mutation Database, and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis for data scientists.
1. How to locate public studies of interest using OmicSoft DiseaseLand.
2. Investigate expression of genes of interest across different treatments, disease states, etc.
3. Identify variants of interest for candidate biomarkers and targets using Human Gene Mutation Database.
4. Leveraging the QIAGEN Knowledgebase in Ingenuity Pathway Analysis to explore and extend findings from OmicSoft DiseaseLand and Human Gene Mutation Database.
5. Learn about additional methods to access data from OmicSoft, Human Gene Mutation Database, and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis for data scientists.
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