QIAGEN OmicSoft and Biomedical Knowledge Base

Target exploration and cell line selection for drug discovery

July 21, 2023
Cancer cell line models have been a cornerstone of cancer research for decades. Profiling cancer cell lines is a powerful tool to identify gene alterations or cancer-related pathways and to discover potential drug targets. This training will focus on using QIAGEN OmicSoft Lands and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) as guides to select cell lines and translate insights gained from cell lines into discovering new possible drug targets.
In this 90-minute training, we’ll explore how you can use our platforms to:
• Select appropriate cancer cell lines for a variety of applications such as drug discovery, precision disease modeling, understanding gene function in cancer and immune-oncology research
• Examine genes of interest across various ‘omics datasets to analyze changes in expression, mutation, hotspots and gene dependency data
• Generate networks for hypotheses and test them in-silico to improve the translation of insights derived from cell line models to drug target identification
• Analyze integrated public 'omics data and drug response phenotypes using cell line model systems by exploring data from the Library of Integrated Network-Based Cellular Signatures (LINCS)
• Prioritize drug targets and profile phenotypic/downstream effects of drug action by overlaying public data on your own generated networks

Our system uses millions of curated literature findings in the QIAGEN/ IPA Knowledge Base and the OmicSoft digital warehouse. This training is for those of you familiar with QIAGEN IPA, as well as newcomers interested in learning more.

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