QIAGEN OmicSoft and Biomedical Knowledge Base
Drug treatment, toxicology and target safety assessment using QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) and QIAGEN Omicsoft - Oct 26 2021
Using public data from GTEx (normal tissue), GEO, cancer collections and more, attendees will learn how to use Omicsoft Lands to:
• Investigate a drug target or biomarker expression across different normal tissues, disease conditions, treatments and more
• Correlate expression of 2 or more genes
• Identify a list of genes or biomarkers specific to treatment, disease, normal tissue, cell type and more
Using findings from peer-reviewed publications and other sources, attendees will learn how to use QIAGEN IPA to:
• Investigate the impact of targeting a gene/protein on different toxicological and biological functions
• Derive tox findings for a gene of interest from QIAGEN IPA’s knowledgebase
• Identify and study toxicity-related pathways, regulators and functions for an internal dataset or a public dataset
• Compare different drug treatments, other conditions or multi-omics data for novel discoveries
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