
Easy and fast somatic variant calling, interpretation and reporting (multiple languages available)

June 24, 2020
This live demonstration will introduce the QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench and how to generate variant profiles in a Variant Call Format (VCF), starting from next-generation sequencing (NGS) data.  We will provide examples of data generated from QIAseq library preps, although it works with any kit provider. Then, the variant profiles will be interpreted using QIAGEN Clinical Insight Interpret (QCI-I), a web-based tool that prioritizes and classifies variants based on a given biological context and professional guidelines, respectively, to generate an exportable report containing the most clinically relevant mutations related to a given disease.

During the live demo we will cover:

QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench

How to import data
Available references and plugins
Individual tools versus analysis workflows
How to run samples in batch
Data visualization
How to export data

QIAGEN Clinical Insight Interpret (QCI-I)

The QIAGEN Knowledge Base
How to upload data
Variant classification using professional guidelines
Clinical report generation

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