QIAGEN OmicSoft and Biomedical Knowledge Base
Checkpoint inhibitor and immuno-oncology investigation through OmicSoft Lands APIs
While there is great interest in the scientific community to investigate drug targets and biomarkers from public immune-oncology data, such investigation is hindered by the difficulty in finding and combining related datasets to perform large-scale meta-analyses. This webinar will focus on how high quality curated genomic repositories such as the QIAGEN OmicSoft Lands database immediately allows in-depth investigations across diverse data-sources (GEO, CPTAC, TCGA, GTEx and many more) to discover and validate candidate checkpoint inhibitor drug targets and biomarker investigation.
In this webinar you will learn how to:
• Easily identify relevant samples using extensive manually curated clinical metadata
• Visualize and identify checkpoint inhibition biology related drug target and biomarkers expression patterns in bulk and single cell RNA-seq studies.
• Reveal how the expression of a group of biomarkers (or genes/proteins of interest) correlates in normal and disease tissue
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