Discovery and Research User Group Meetings +

Single-Cell Data Analysis Summit (EU, MEA, APAC)

May 10, 2021
Join the Single-Cell Data Analysis Summit online event from QIAGEN Digital Insights

Our exciting and informative event includes training on our end-to-end single-cell genomics analysis solutions, product updates and free support from our experts.

Why attend?

Discover the exciting new Single Cell Analysis Module and automated cell annotator, and how to apply this to your research
Find out about the rich single-cell content in the new OmicSoft Single Cell Land and how it can help you discover new biomarkers
Learn how to perform single-cell pathway analysis to put differential gene expression of single cells into biological context
See how easy it can be to integrate your single-cell data with the help of QIAGEN Discovery Bioinformatics Services
Get to know QIAGEN Digital Insights single-cell analysis experts who can answer your research questions
Improve your research insights: Learn how to gain insights into the biology and molecular drivers of specific cell populations
Who should attend?

Researchers, bioinformaticians, professors, directors, pharmaceutical leaders, data scientists, young scientists