Discovery and Research

Investigation of Somatic and Germline Variants by COSMIC, HGMD and QIAGEN Knowledgebase- April 21 2021

June 07, 2021
Identifying and studying actionable variants is of great interest to many investigators. In this webinar, COSMIC, HGMD and QIAGEN database will be introduced for annotation and investigation of both somatic and germline variants.

Attendees will learn how to use QCI Interpret Translational (QCI-I T) to identify key actionable variants from whole-genome sequencing, whole-exome sequencing or DNA panels. In addition, attendees will learn how these variants can be annotated with findings derived from QIAGEN database in combination with COSMIC and HGMD. For variants of interest, it will be further demonstrated how COSMIC and HGMD databases can be further utilized.

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