Web seminar recordings

Analyze RNAseq and DNAseq data without having to learn a coding language

August 27, 2020
Are you a molecular biologist/biologist who suddenly has a bunch of RNAseq or DNAseq data that is just waiting to be analyzed but don’t have the bioinformatics experience, resources or confidence to do it on your own? (And you’re pretty sure that you don’t have the time or energy or bandwidth to learn R, Python or any other coding language in order to do so…?)

Details of the session are below. 

• Brief Introduction to CLC 
• Demonstration of the CLC Genomics Workbench DNAseq Workflows/Tools 
• Demonstration of the CLC Genomics Workbench RNAseq Workflows/Tools 
• Technical Q&A  
• CLC Genomics Workbench Static/Network licensing discussion (Paul Daniel)
Wednesday, August 12th 
1:00 PM EST

Shawn Prince, Sr. Field Application Scientist
Araceli Cuellar, Field Application Scientist

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