Single-cell RNA-seq data analysis and interpretation
Single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) is commonly used among researchers to characterize...
RNA-seq and single-cell RNA-seq data analysis using QIAGEN CLC Genomics...
In this 90-minute training, users will learn how to easily analyze RNA-seq and...
Discovery and Research
From data to biological insight using QIAGEN CLC Single Cell Module and...
Organ development during gestation is a complex series of hematopoietic events. Many...
RNA-seq and single-cell RNA-seq data analysis using QIAGEN CLC Genomics...
In this 90-minute training, users will learn how to easily analyze RNA-seq and single...
Supporting Biomarker Discovery One Cell at a Time - QIAGEN CLC Genomics...
Single-cell gene expression analysis helps biologists and bioinformaticians reveal...
QIAGEN OmicSoft and Biomedical Knowledge Base
Supporting Biomarker Discovery One Cell at a Time - Introduction to QIAGEN...
Single-cell gene expression analysis helps biologists and bioinformaticians reveal...
Discovery and Research User Group Meetings +
May 2020 IPA-OS UGM - 3.Single-cell Sequencing of Normal Human Liver - Part 1...
See how Single Cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-seq) data can be leveraged, analyzed, and...
Discovery and Research User Group Meetings +
May 2020 IPA-OS UGM - 6.IPA Customer Use Case - Paul Gordon - University of...
In this talk, based on specific brain cancer results published in 2019, Dr. Gordon will...
Discovery and Research User Group Meetings +
May 2020 IPA-OS UGM - 9.Single-cell Sequencing of Normal Human Liver - Part 2...
See how Single Cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-seq) data can be leveraged, analyzed, and...
Discovery and Research
Exploring Single-Cell Transcriptomes Using Bioinformatics Solutions from...
Cells – the basic building blocks of organisms – are each quite unique. Single-cell RNA...