Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA)


Part 4 - Learn how to understand biological mechanisms in transcriptomics or proteomics datasets...

3,206 views March 20, 2020

The phenomenal amount of data available in public ‘omics databases allows...

Web seminar recordings

Introduction to the IPA Core Analysis

6,013 views December 17, 2019

Learn how to view and interpret your Core Analysis results in IPA, which...

QIAGEN Clinical Insight

Web seminar recordings

More effective and efficient routine testing for somatic analysis and interpretation – a live...

301 views October 29, 2020

See why laboratories across the globe choose QIAGEN solutions for routine...

Web seminar recordings

More effective and efficient routine exome and germline panel testing analysis and interpretation...

249 views October 29, 2020

See why laboratories across the globe choose QIAGEN solutions for routine...

Web seminar recordings

Part 1: Use of QCI Interpret to elucidate precision in breast cancer targeted therapy

1,707 views October 24, 2016

Breast cancer is a complex heterogeneous disease, with each subtype...


Web seminar recordings

Translational research: Find the needle in the haystack and access...

327 views December 15, 2020

Get connected to the industry’s most comprehensive collection of biological and...

Web seminar recordings

Utilize large datasets and results from independent studies to advance your...

473 views October 29, 2020

Discover why thousands of scientists choose QIAGEN Digital Insights solutions to...

Web seminar recordings

Easy and fast RNA-seq analysis and interpretation

620 views October 29, 2020

Discover why thousands of scientists choose QIAGEN Digital Insights solutions to...

Web seminar recordings

More effective and efficient routine testing for somatic analysis and...

301 views October 29, 2020

See why laboratories across the globe choose QIAGEN solutions for routine testing...

Web seminar recordings

Microbial genomics – Metagenomics, typing and coronavirus research

404 views October 29, 2020

Discover why thousands of scientists choose QIAGEN Digital Insights solutions to...

Web seminar recordings

More effective and efficient routine exome and germline panel testing...

249 views October 29, 2020

See why laboratories across the globe choose QIAGEN solutions for routine testing...

Web seminar recordings

Analyze RNAseq and DNAseq data without having to learn a coding language

1,211 views August 27, 2020

Are you a molecular biologist/biologist who suddenly has a bunch of RNAseq or DNAseq...

Web seminar recordings

Leveraging QIAGEN IPA to generate the hypotheses and insights you need for...

1,178 views June 26, 2020

I’ve got all this data…now what? How to quickly analyze and make sense of your data...

Web seminar recordings

Leveraging QIAGEN IPA to generate the hypotheses and insights you need for...

968 views June 26, 2020

No data? No problem! How to use IPA when you don’t have any data. In this session you...


Using QIAGEN Digital Insights to determine how LY6E impairs coronavirus...

533 views May 06, 2020

Zoonotic coronaviruses (CoVs) are significant threats to global health, as exemplified...

Web seminar recordings

Identification, Interprétation et Reporting des variants somatiques

373 views June 24, 2020

Cette démonstration en direct présentera le logiciel QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench et...

Web seminar recordings

Identificare, interpretare e refertare in modo semplice varianti di tipo...

602 views June 24, 2020

Presentazione introduttiva al software QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench per la generazione...