Discovery and Research

Transcriptomics, Proteomics and Metabolic Changes in Post-Natal Mouse Heart...

788 views November 07, 2019

In this talk, Jean-Noël Billaud, Ph.D. Senior Principal Scientist, QIAGEN Digital...

Discovery and Research

Exploring Single-Cell Transcriptomes Using Bioinformatics Solutions from...

1,488 views July 05, 2019

Cells – the basic building blocks of organisms – are each quite unique. Single-cell...

Discovery and Research

Exploring Single-Cell Transcriptomes Using Bioinformatics Solutions from...

1,473 views July 05, 2019

Cells – the basic building blocks of organisms – are each quite unique. Single-cell RNA...

Discovery and Research

Characterizing the microbiome by targeted sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA...

1,217 views July 05, 2019

Bacterial communities are everywhere. The microbiome profoundly affects human, animal...


Detecting antimicrobial resistance in extensively drug-resistant Salmonella...

873 views July 05, 2019

Infections caused by drug-resistant bacteria are increasingly reported and antibiotic...

Discovery and Research

CLC Genomics Workbench 12

2,773 views November 27, 2018

Introducing CLC Genomics Workbench 12 – an exciting new release that’s making it easier...

Discovery and Research

Exploring IPA’s Analysis Match: An Overview

5,361 views November 26, 2018

Learn about the new Analysis Match features and discover a new way to explore...

Discovery and Research

Introduction to OmicSoft LandPortal: Expression Views

1,113 views July 30, 2018

OmicSoft uses ArrayLand framework to deliver large amounts of clinical and "omic"-data...

Discovery and Research

Bjarni Vilhjalmsson on data to sample to insight workflows helping cancer...

1,528 views November 20, 2017

At ASHG, Bjarni Vilhjalmsson presents data on sample to insight workflows that help...

Discovery and Research

Exploring variants associated with rare diseases - Peter Bauer, MD Interview

1,624 views November 20, 2017

Professor Bauer, CSO of Centogene, discusses the prospects for researchers exploring...

Discovery and Research

The pathogenesis of crohn's disease with Ingrid Arijs

2,101 views November 20, 2017

Ingrid Arijs of the University in Leuven explores the pathogenesis of crohn’s disease...

Discovery and Research

Andreas Rump investigates the genetic causes of intellectual disability in...

1,867 views November 20, 2017

Dr. Rump from the Technical University of Dresden investigates the genetic causes of...