Discovery and Research

Characterizing the microbiome by targeted sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA and fungal ITS genes

July 05, 2019

Bacterial communities are everywhere. The microbiome profoundly affects human, animal and environmental health. The main questions when investigating microbial communities are which microorganisms are present, how abundant are they and how are they interacting with their host or environment? 

We demonstrate taxonomic profiling of bacterial and fungal communities with QIAGEN Microbial Genomics Pro Suite tools, using a case of decomposing beech leaves. 

Decomposition of leaf material is a dynamic process where the composition of the litter changes continuously. To accommodate nutritional fluctuations, the microbial community must be diverse and dynamic. We analyze the changes in the microbiome over time in response to nutrient availability and discover the interplay between bacteria and fungi.

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