Bioinformatics analysis of Nanopore sequencing data for SARS-CoV-2

May 01, 2020

The study of the COVID-19 pandemic often involves sequencing the SARS-CoV-2 virus using Illumina, Nanopore, IonTorrent and Sanger technologies alone or in combination. Depending on the sampling and library preparation method used, this can involve metatranscriptomic data of varying viral content.

 In this webinar tutorial, you will learn about:

 · Best practices for bioinformatic analyses using the versatile QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench

·  QC, adapter trimming and strategies for host read depletion and viral content enrichment

·  Simple pipelines for assembly and strain identification

·  A demonstration of read mapping, variant calling and consensus sequence extraction, which are necessary steps for obtaining high-quality genomic sequences for phylogenetic analysis and publication

Interested in learning more?

Click here

Speaker: Leif Schauser, Ph.D. Director, Product Management, Genome Analysis, QIAGEN

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